We all have goals and aspirations in life and these will invariably be impacted by our level of financial freedom. Our idea of what is, and how to achieve financial freedom is as individual as you. Effective goal setting provides you the impetus to re-evaluate the decisions you make today, so you can achieve the goals of tomorrow.

If you choose to engage with a professional adviser, their role is to help you objectively evaluate you future aspirations and then build a plan that encompasses your values and circumstances. Only once you have formulated an idea of what you are working towards will you put in place a roadmap to achieve this. Once a plan is in place, your discipline becomes the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Being accountable to not only yourself but also your adviser, will provide you with even greater motivation to not disappoint that 'second set of eyes' keeping you on track to financial freedom.

Attaining your idea of financial freedom might be a journey of a few years, like saving towards your first home, or, it could be a life long endeavour, like building wealth for your retirement and legacy aspirations. 

As in so many aspects in life, the hardest part in taking or retaking control of your finances is knowing where to start. 

In this regard it is worth remembering that "a goal properly set is halfway achieved"*.

*Zig Ziglar was a fantastic US motivator. His many mantra's are a constant reminder that our only limitation in life is our attitude.